
Winter Break 2023

This winter break, I went on vacation with my parents, brother, and girlfriend. We visited Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic, and stayed at the Gran Ventana resort. The resort was beachfront with a huge pool and lots to around the resort! This is a picture from the first excursion my family and I did, ziplining!

While on vacation, my family and I had a phenomenal time relaxing on the beach, as well as going on excursions throughout the week. We would also went out to different restaurants every other night for dinner, laid by the pool, and even played tennis one early morning!

Out of all of the excursions my family and I did, my favorite was the parasailing. This excursion was actually my Christmas gift to my girlfriend, as it has always been something we’ve wanted to do. My first-time parasailing, and it did not disappoint one bit!

Another excursion my family and I did was snorkeling. Every time my family and I go on vacation we always make it a point to go snorkeling. Every time we see something new and this time it was the conch shell pictured to the left!

The last excursions my family and I did were waterfall jumping and sliding, along with horseback riding. It was my first time ever waterfall jumping, as well as going down some of the slides that were there as well. Horseback riding was also so much fun, as it was my second time, but the first time for both of my parents and my girlfriend!

Ultimately, this was one of the best family vacations yet. Between the delicious food, exhilarating excursions, and spending quality family time, I am very grateful to have been able to spend a week at this beautiful resort in the Dominican Republic.

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