
Marvel Film Data Analysis


In this analysis, we will be taking a look at how every Marvel movie did on opening weekend, including the distributor, release date, Budget, Opening Weekend in North America, North American Revenue, Other Territories Revenue, and Worldwide Revenue. Below is a link to the data we will be taking a look at.

This searchable database gives you the ability to search any Marvel movie. It will then show you the distributor, release date, budget, opening weekend North America revenue, and the worldwide revenue.

This bar chart shows you every Marvel movies title, and the budget each movie had.

This line chart shows the worldwide revenue for each movie based on their release date. If you click on one of the dots within the graph, it shows the movie title, along with its worldwide revenue and its release date.

In this packed circle visualization, this is displaying the North American revenue for each distributor and movie.

Below is a Treemap that represents the budget for each distributor.

This basic scatterplot shows the budget and worldwide revenue.

This box plot shows the distributor and budget for each Marvel movie.

This violin plot is based off of the distributor and worldwide revenue.

This is a simple survey for Marvel movies.

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